IMPORTANT POST for #PaulieStrong Supporters – Today was definitely one of those happy – sad days for us. This time of year is so challenging. It seems that there is a milestone or anniversary to kick us in the gut constantly. Paul going from healthy child in October to being diagnosed with #rhabdomyosarcoma , spending Halloween in pain, Thanksgiving , and Christmas in the hospital before ultimately passing away in January. We never expected to be thrust into this life of fund raising to support much needed research into a cure for childhood cancer. Yet, here we are. Today we met with the @scarsdalepba and received their very generous donation of $26,500. We then went to meet with the Chief of Pediatrics at @sloankettering to donate the money we raised at our annual Drive For a Cure Golf outing. This brings our grand total raised to over $750,000 in less than 3 years. To all of our supporters, THANK YOU. After meeting with the doctors who are putting this money to work, we can tell you that this funding is making a significant difference and moving us closer to finding a breakthrough. Again , Thank you for your continued support. #pauliestrong #rhabdomyosarcoma #childhoodcancerresearch #awareness #cancer #police #love
Thursday, December 13th, 2018