At ten years old, Paul lost his fight too soon. But with your help, the battle wages on.

Paul Ulysses Jimenez had a smile no one could forget.
Positive and playful, anyone who crossed his path was greeted with light and love.
Everyday he tried to reach for the stars
whether riding his bike at full speed or building skyscrapers out of Legos. He dreamed of being a doctor, of helping others and giving back.

He loved being a big brother to his sisters
and never passed on a chance to play with friends and family members alike. Paul saw the good in everyone, and after hid diagnosis, he saw the potential for change.
#PaulieStrong was formed at Paul’s insistence.
Discovering his illness was shocking enough, but learning that the recommended treatment was 54 weeks of chemotherapy and radiation was astounding. Paul could not believe that putting poisonous substances into his body could be the only path back to health. The same treatments would have been prescribed 20 years ago. As Paul and his family uncovered more about childhood cancers and the lack of research funding, the statistics were disheartening; still, never for a second did anyone believe that cancer would take Paul from us.
For two months, Paul bravely battled against Rhabdomyosarcoma—a rare cancer that forms on soft tissue—and he realized other kids were going through similar struggles. Wise beyond his years, Paul aimed to raise awareness for children’s cancers and safer treatments by selling t-shirts. With a personal design inspired by his favorite football team, Paul hoped to sell 100 shirts. Thousands have been sold.
On January 5th, 2016—just shy of his 11th birthday—Paul passed away from this horrible disease. A beautiful life needlessly cut too short. But because of his selflessness, hundreds of thousands of dollars have already been put toward research and new treatments. PaulieStrong believes no child or family should have to endure this kind of pain. With your help, we are working to shine a light on new therapies, safer drugs, and better solutions. Join us as we continue Paul’s vision.
Be brave. Demand more. We’re #PaulieStrong