Already a very rewarding Christmas! Fired up the @biggreenegg early this morning to do a delicious glazed Spiral Ham and when it was done, Edie and I delivered to the amazing officers of the @scarsdalepba who are away from their families and working in our community today. Earlier this week the Scarsdale PBA made a donation from their annual golf event To The @pauliestrong Foundation in the amount of $65,000 !!! The Scarsdale PBA has stepped up HUGE in the fight against childhood cancer and we are so grateful for their support. Thank You from our family and have a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. #pauliestrong #scarsdale #childhoodcancerawareness #mskkids @sloankettering #dadswhocook #giving #christmas #police #protectandserve #community #ham #bgeteamgreen #bgenation #scarsdalepolice #thinblueline
Wednesday, December 25th, 2019